
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Lynch Mob

Last night I finally saw Mulholland Drive, and I am pleased to report that I am as dumb as the rest of America. Totally didn’t get it. Aside from the nudity, which came across quite clearly, thank you. But yeah, the only major theme I could pick out was that David Lynch clearly hates all of us. Which, if you think about, he’s not wrong for doing.

But today I turned to my trusty friend the Internet (you should check it out, it’s going to be big) and found lots of fun sites putting forth ridiculous interpretations of the film. Betty symbolizes capitalism! Billy Ray Cyrus is a stand-in for the Chinese government! The whole movie takes place in the homeless guy’s head! It’s like all those people in my high school English classes who thought King Lear reminded them of the Batman movies now have webpages. Of course, if they let me have one, they’ve set the bar pretty low.

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