
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Big Developments

When you only leave the house once a week to go to the grocery store, it's hard to have a lot of big news to share. This week my 24-pack of Diet Coke did split wide open in the middle of the snacks aisle at Jewel and send cans rolling in every direction, but that's as exciting as things got. I do think I brought a lot of people joy with that maneuver, though.

Other than that it's been work, chatting with friends, and watching TV. Oh, and I've taken up crafting in a serious way. Ian and I have been learning the fine art of mosaic and this week I ordered a weaving kit. I envision myself developing a textiles empire, but the more likely result is probably half of a scarf.

Eating has taken on a whole new importance in this environment. Of course, I've always been a fan of going to town on a big bucket o mac and cheese, but now I find myself planning out meals days in advance. And each time I finish one I start thinking about the next. We ordered in Taco Bell on Monday and it was a tragically transformative experience for me. And tonight my chicken sandwich almost made me weep. So yes, there may be some signs that I am unwell.

Overall, though, I think I'm keeping it together. I mean, the light bulbs around here have never been so quickly changed. And we're certainly caught up on our DVR. So onward we march.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Notes from Captivity

Well, the madness finally set in last Sunday. There was no rhyme or reason to it; we were having a perfectly nice day, watching things on Hulu we would never even have dreamed of spending time on a matter of weeks ago, and all of the sudden I was gripped with intense anxiety. Not as bad as I used to get it in law school when I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking I was having a heart attack and pace back and forth in my living room for hours while reruns of Designing Women played on my tiny tube TV, but still not great. I ended up picking a fight with Ian over something nonsensical before finally capitulating and loading up on Lorazepam. So yeah, right on schedule.

The following week has been a lot better, if somehow about six weeks long. My resistance band finally arrived from Amazon so I can pump some serious iron, and I gave my humidifier a thorough cleaning and sterilization, which sadly is one of my few great pleasures in life. Yesterday we ordered brunch for delivery, combining my passions for bacon and not having to make any effort. And last night we did a Facetime session with friends to watch and discuss Real Housewives of New York, which is of course a very rich text. We are getting by.

Of course, there is literally no end in sight to this right now, so I fully anticipate many more breakdowns to come, but at least there's a solid rationale for them now, I guess.

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