
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Scoop Dreams

Many, many weird dreams have been populating my skull lately. Last night, for instance, I dreamt that I was being attacked by a scary-looking clown while I was for some reason trying to nap on the hood of a car parked near Navy Pier. Later, I dreamt that I was inexplicably cast in the Real World/Road Rules Challenge, and my failure to quickly eat hog intestines made me socially unpopular. I awoke exhausted, confused, and strangely hungry.

Of course, these absurd images do not even begin to approach my pantheon of bizarre and unnecessary dreams. I mean, I am a person who once dreamed that my grandma was roommates with Madonna. I’m not kidding. In my dream, they went to a craft fair at our church together (side note– the church was randomly upside down and covered in wicker) and I was convinced that Madonna was after my grandma’s money. She just kept sucking up so much. Although, to her credit, she did pick out some lovely throw pillows embroidered with kittens.

I’m not sure if I really believe that these dreams mean anything, although I’m glad I typically remember mine. I used to win raves for my interpretations of dreams, but that was mainly a matter of painfully distorting literary symbolism to tell people what they wanted to hear. I probably shouldn’t change that winning game, though, so I’ll just tell myself that the scary clown dream means I need to think more of myself and less of others, and head out to buy myself some ice cream.

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