
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Work Can be Fun!!!!!!

Doing nothing is great, but let’s face it: unless your job title is “DMV employee” or “Paris Hilton,” you can’t get away with it on a regular basis. So you’re going to have to learn how to get the most out of life while wasting it on mind-numbing employment. To that end, I’ve compiled a list of amazing and delightful office pastimes:

– Handcrafting whimsical dolls out of paper clips, erasers, and post-it notes; pretending those dolls are the loved ones you never see.

– Studying coworkers’ behavior patterns for inclusion in your upcoming treatise on dementia and psychopathy.

– Expanding definition of “business casual” attire to include crop tops and Hammer pants.

– Customizing your cnn.com account to send you automatic updates on any Urkel-related news; waiting several thousand years.

– Thinking of tactful ways to explain to your boss that muttonchops are never coming back in style.

– Organizing automatic stapler races.

– Asking incoming job applicants to select an appliance they believe they would most like to be; announcing that their responses are “stupid” and “seriously deranged.”

– Loudly relating sexually explicit stories from your personal life to no one in particular in crowded elevators.

– Fitting the phrase “dead inside” into office small talk.

– Convincing yourself that they give out Pulitzer Prizes for memos; holding a brief award ceremony during which you forget to thank your mother.

– Contemplating how the details of the weekly staff meeting can be incorporated into the action comedy screenplay you’re planning to send to Vin Diesel.

– Answering the phone in different comical voices; analyzing how your own view of comedy differs from that of your boss.

– Concocting elaborate revenge fantasies involving fire ants and maple syrup.

Happy workdays!

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