
Sunday, July 25, 2004

A post? On Sunday? Now I've seen everything!

It's not typically our practice here at the blog to post on Sundays; it being The Lord's Day, we tend to be heavily involved in our regimen of fasting, making offerings of small, charred mammals, and wailing and gnashing our teeth. Today, however, we have witnessed a clash of entertainment titans, a Sophie's Choice of quality cable television, if you will (and frankly, you must, since you're not actually here), that has brought us right out of our rhythmic-chanting-induced comas and straight to the keyboard (okay, with a stop off in the kitchen for Li'l Debbies and Coke). For TBS has chosen to air Sister Act 2 opposite both FX's broadcast of America's Sweethearts and ABC Family's broadcast of Hope Floats.

At first, okay, it's an easy choice. Sister Act 2 has the merits of both a young, pre-anger Lauryn Hill belting out sub-Alan-Menken Disney arrangements and the gentle comic touches of Whoopi Goldberg, who was no doubt signed for a sequel simply in hopes of preventing her from ever hosting the Oscars again. And there's all those adorable nuns. But think about it -- America's Sweethearts is the movie so ridiculously absurd that it seriously pushed the limits of this country's love affair with Julia Roberts, even before she began shacking up with cameramen. Plus, it reminds us why we really think Hank Azaria should stick with being a "voice actor." And Hope Floats is... well, Hope Floats. If the tenuous romantic stirrings between Sandra Bullock and that guy with the overbite who obsessively channels Frank Sinatra don't move you, well, you're pretty much like everyone else in America. And don't forget that there's a precocious child involved in the proceedings.

So all I'm saying is that there are difficult choices that fall into every life. All we can do is make decisions and move on. We're ordinary heroes. And we'll all be back watching Crimes of Fashion, the ABC Family original based on a hilarious mixing of mob and fashion cliches, in prime time this evening. Stay strong, people.


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