
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Let’s Get Topical!

Apparently, there was a big fire in downtown Chicago the other night. I say "apparently" because I haven’t been very much in touch with TV or newspapers lately, and therefore did not find out until my mother (who lives some 300 miles away) mentioned it on the phone. In fact, so out of touch was I that I did not realize the building in question, scorch marks and all, is basically right outside my office window. So memo to myself: put down the beer every so often and try to discern if something’s on fire. You’ll save yourself some skin grafts in the long run.

In other equally important news, I have become obsessed with eating salad by the pound. There’s a place in the Board of Trade building (see, they know value!) where they have all the best ingredients (six kinds of cheeses!) and a whole bunch of potato and pasta salads, too. And after you hit like seven dollars it’s UNLIMITED salad for the same price. Because I don’t really need it to be healthy, so long as I can convince myself that it is healthy. I mean, cotton candy and cheese fries are good for you, right? So what if I do get rickets?

And my work experience has been vastly improved by the addition of "music time" each day. I brought in what the kids used to call a "boom box" so I can groove to the sweet sounds of Ashlee or Avril (not really) as I draft brilliant memoranda on complex questions of law. I’m thinking about dropping in some lyrics some time. There are so many jurisdictional issues that are really best addressed with a snippet from "Sk8er Boi."

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