
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Some Enchanted Evening

Yesterday was a very big day for me. First of all, I spent half an hour listening to one of my supervisors read sentences I had written to me and ask me why each one was relevant. I guess I shouldn’t have stuck so many passages from The Nancy Drew Mysteries into my legal memorandum, but at the time it seemed like such a good idea. And it turned out the lighthouse wasn’t really haunted after all. Regardless, we had a good laugh, a good cry, and a hot tub. I think we’re engaged.

Then, my friend scored some free tickets to the Lyric Opera, so I went and got good and kulchered for the evening. Of course, we had to walk to Streeterville and back to pick up the tickets, so we walked among the tuxedoed multitudes looking as though our raft had just washed up on the shores of Lake Michigan, but it was fun. The show was in English, which is practically my favorite language, and even pretty funny, assuming you like jokes about contemporary art, which everyone does. But the best part of going to the Lyric is always the people watching, and my friend and I had a great time speculating about which septuagenarians were ineffectually banging which other septuagenarians and which bored-looking middle aged women were snorting coke in the sumptuously-appointed bathrooms during intermission. Plus we kept laughing at inappropriate points during the show, which always leads to merriment. It was the feel-good opera of the year.

And on top of it all we had Taco Bell for dinner. Two gordita combo, baby. Nothing like a little artificial cheese product to start your evening off right.

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