
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Weird Science

Always at the forefront of the scientific community, my roommate and I engaged in a vigorous debate the other day over the biological underpinnings of the X-Men. My roommate contended that mutants inherit the "mutant gene" from their parents; my claim was that "mutation" is a process by which genes are altered due to environmental forces, and thus cannot be inherited. Despite reference to several friends with backgrounds in medicine or nail care and my high school biology textbook, we were unable to find a conclusive resolution to our conflict. Pages and pages of useless filler on insulting malarkey like "evolution" and "bacteria" and not even a single sidebar on Magneto or Pyro. No wonder American students lag behind other nations in science!

On the plus side, the roommate and I were readily able to agree that Halle Berry is terrible in both movies, and that it’s not just because of the wig. There was also consensus on the topics of Patrick Stewart’s creepiness (yes) and how cool it would be to own that X-Jet (very). We split on the question of whether Wolverine is gay.

I think we can all agree the National Science Foundation needs to send some of those big grant dollars my way.

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