
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Love is in the Air

I swear to God the WB Easyview is going to be the end of me. I had had this whole productive weekend planned, complete with throwing out the moldy Thanksgiving mashed potatoes in our fridge and removing the dead squirrel from our back porch, but instead I somehow ended up entranced by the pomp and pageantry of What I Like About You and Jack & Bobby. Now, to be fair, Christine Lahti’s severe case of bitchface induced me to turn off the latter halfway through, but still, I am thoroughly (and appropriately) ashamed. I gave Jennie Garth more attention than she has deserved since roughly 1994. What’s next? Ian Ziering?

I have suffered for my indiscretions, however, since the stack of highly hott employment discrimination cases I intended to read over the weekend was still waiting for me when I got back to the office yesterday. So I spent my Valentine’s Day working late. Oh, and eating a sandwich. I ate a sandwich when I got home.

My grandma didn’t send me a card this year. She usually remembers, to the tune of $20 or so. Maybe she’s upset that I unintentionally bought her a card celebrating African-American heritage. Those Jell-O commercials with Bill Cosby always did make her sort of jumpy. Do you think it would be wrong to invoice her for the $20? I mean, that would buy a lot of Boone’s Farm Wine Product.

I need to do some serious thinking about my life. Thinking in the tub with the toaster.

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