
Sunday, March 13, 2005

Postcards from My Descent into Madness

I have a headache and all of my pain reliever has mysteriously disappeared. Which leaves me with the options of either lying here crankily watching college basketball and just hoping it will go away (the headache, not the basketball . . . although Duke is welcome to go away any time it feels like it) or walking the six blocks down to the Walgreens to get more. As I'm not a big fan of A) cold or B) effort, I feel like I'm going to go with the whole just lying here plan.

And cable TV does have so much to offer me today. My TiVo tells me that Channel 8 is showing Annie Hall, although when I flip to it it turns out to be the somewhat lesser classic First Kid starring Sinbad and that kid from Home Improvement. Or, because I apparently lost a bet with God, Making the Band 3 is airing on MTV right now. Of course, I also have the option of watching Law & Order approximately 100 times. Who says that Hollywood is out of ideas?

They should really just open a Walgreens in my apartment. It's the first rule of business: location, location, location. I swear I would do most of my shopping there. I might even buy one of their fun Chicago souvenirs -- I could always use another hot pink visor or Sears Tower shot glass.

Didn't the Native Americans have some sort of natural pain reliever made out of bark or something? I think there's some moldy bread in my kitchen. Maybe I should try that.

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