
Monday, April 04, 2005

Random Thoughts That Have Entered My Head at Work Today

-- Is a track suit really appropriate courtroom attire?
-- Things that would never be funny in real life get huge laughs when politicians say them.
-- That guy totally looks like Ben Kingsley. I bet he plays the Ghandi card all the time.
-- I wonder if the Pope will make next year's dead people montage at the Oscars.
-- I could totally go for a McGriddle right now.
-- It'd be fun to watch my coworkers battle in a no holds barred cage match.
-- No one should ever bring up Kierkegaard in everyday conversation.
-- It seems like it'd be cool to have x-ray vision, but I bet it would get old after a while.
-- I just spent twenty minutes listening to an anecdote about a children's dance program. No one should have to live this way.
-- I bet Amy Sedaris is really fun to hang out with.
-- I wonder if my dentist likes me.
-- All these years of Windows and Minesweeper and FreeCell are still the best games they can come up with.
-- I bet if I closed the door and scrunched down in my chair no one would know I was asleep.

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