
Monday, May 02, 2005

Ah, The Wonders of Technology!

Is there anything more awkward than sitting around in your office killing time while the computer guy does something to your hard drive you can’t possibly comprehend? I somehow feel like it’s rude to leave, especially since they always claim they’ll be done in no time, but lord knows I have nothing to contribute to the process. Before I know it, someone’s saying something about bandwith or megabytes and I’m nodding my head solemnly all the while terrified I’ll be exposed as a computer illiterate fraud. I pick up whatever papers happen to be on my desk and pretend they’re some crucial matter I’m deeply concerned about, but invariably realize I’m holding a Ziggy cartoon or the lunch menu from Chinese Express and have to drop the charade. Then I make a stab at small talk and end up accidentally insulting someone’s children or deceased grandparent. And all the while I wonder if the tech guy’s going to narc on me for checking personal e-mail at work.

I now have to log in to a computer I once just turned on, though, so clearly all the suffering is worthwhile.

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