
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Near-Death Cab Experience No. 304

Everything started pretty typically. I got in the cab, shrunk back momentarily from the odor, fumbled helplessly with the broken seat belt, and gave the address at least six times with different explanatory footnotes. We tore off into the night without any regard for anyone's personal safety. It was fun for everyone.

But only a few minutes into our journey, I noticed that we were veering into oncoming traffic with a frequency somewhat greater than the standard. Then I observed that my driver was having to inquire as to our destination somewhat more often than would seem appropriate for a non-coma-patient. Then I heard the snoring.

Yes, my cab driver was falling asleep at the wheel.

Of course, he attempted to camouflage his frequent cat naps with occasional remarks about the weather or how much he liked public radio, but he had a pretty rough time concealing all of the eye closing and plowing through stop signs.

Needless to say, I finished my journey home on foot.

Of all the jobs in the world, wouldn't you think that "cab driver" is towards the top of the list in terms of the need to remain conscious?

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