Thursday, June 30, 2005
Bloggers -- They're Just Like Us!
At long last I'm getting around to posting pictures from last weekend's events. It's all part of my continuing effort to be more like Us Weekly, but with less coverage of Jessica Simpson.
Like a tiny, alcoholic bird, Allyson receives much needed sustenance. Nothing like a quart of hard alcohol on a 90 degree day. Notice the fine etiquette -- no lips on the nozzle!
Apparently convinced that we are 19 years old (or the 30-year-old stars of a WB "teen" drama), we allow our evening to devolve into an impromptu game of flip cup.
Suzanne and Daliah enjoy fun and sun (and sixty-year-0lds in scarily small trunks) at the East Bank Club. Clearly, Daliah is no stranger to the Kevin Federline look.

I think I look like one of the villains from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in this picture. At least I'm not a Nazi, though.
At long last I'm getting around to posting pictures from last weekend's events. It's all part of my continuing effort to be more like Us Weekly, but with less coverage of Jessica Simpson.

I think I look like one of the villains from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in this picture. At least I'm not a Nazi, though.