
Tuesday, June 07, 2005


-- Oprah. I feel like a person who lacks the fortitude to have her ears pierced without devolving into Tonya-Harding-type histrionics might not want to tackle Faulkner for the summer. I mean, Benjy's castration is slightly more invasive than your average procedure at Claire's.

-- Heat Wave. Just when I thought Chicago weather only punished me for my sins eight months a year, here comes the 70 percent humidity. Must be all those abortions I had.

-- The Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I'm not going to say admitting to my new roommate that I watch it was the most embarrassing moment of my life, because I was after all struck in the groin by a floor hockey puck in junior high school. But it was damn near close. But somehow watching crazy Tonya toss all of Beth's clothes into the swimming pool was worth it.

-- Moving. A month and a half after he started moving out, my old roommate is still popping in to pick up items he forgot. I'm trying to decide if I should change the locks or just buy a gun.

-- Personnel. We just found out the name of our new supervisor. Thanks to google, I now know that he really likes cheese and that he writes Star Trek Fan Fiction. Or maybe he just has a really common name.

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