Sunday, June 05, 2005
Last Night: A Photo Essay
So my friend Jeanne was in town yesterday. Her parents had skybox tickets at the Sox, so we were basically in a hot-dog- and dessert-cart-induced haze by 6 or so. Perhaps this is why we decided to go to Dave & Busters for an evening of Ski Ball and game-ticket-based economics. Or maybe it was the two bottles of white wine. But regardless, I totally rocked the shooting gallery (apparently that year in Cubs Scouts really had an effect on me) and put my Super Mario 3 skills to use predicting the slot machines (although I definitely missed that little mushroom guy in the diaper). Thus, we ended up with literally seven million tickets, with which we "purchased" twin tie-dyed unicorns probably designed for five-year-olds (whom we later named Sam & Earl -- the unicorns, not the five-year-olds), two giant pixie sticks (because, right, I need more sugar), and four highly effective "Chinese finger traps" (non PC-term theirs). But what am I doing rambling on like this? These pictures really speak for themselves.

Parenting is hard work, but so obviously worth it.
So my friend Jeanne was in town yesterday. Her parents had skybox tickets at the Sox, so we were basically in a hot-dog- and dessert-cart-induced haze by 6 or so. Perhaps this is why we decided to go to Dave & Busters for an evening of Ski Ball and game-ticket-based economics. Or maybe it was the two bottles of white wine. But regardless, I totally rocked the shooting gallery (apparently that year in Cubs Scouts really had an effect on me) and put my Super Mario 3 skills to use predicting the slot machines (although I definitely missed that little mushroom guy in the diaper). Thus, we ended up with literally seven million tickets, with which we "purchased" twin tie-dyed unicorns probably designed for five-year-olds (whom we later named Sam & Earl -- the unicorns, not the five-year-olds), two giant pixie sticks (because, right, I need more sugar), and four highly effective "Chinese finger traps" (non PC-term theirs). But what am I doing rambling on like this? These pictures really speak for themselves.

Parenting is hard work, but so obviously worth it.