
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Reality Bites

There's a new Real World starting tonight. I'm trying to muster up some excitement, but I think I may just be getting too old. The fact that they've cast at least two troglodytes doesn't help. Nor am I enticed by the girl who refers to herself as "tough" at least six times during her casting video. That means she'll be openly weeping within three episodes. It's like when Philadelphia Sarah kept calling herself "confident" and "sexual" when she was obviously just a former math team captain with a boob job -- if you have to keep telling yourself, then it's probably not true. You never know, though, a Frankie-style nutcase may rise from among the ranks to surprise and delight us. Let's hide all the knives, just to be safe.

While we're on the subject, I can't help but feel that it's a bad sign for America that "Dancing With the Stars" is such a success. Is watching J. Peterman trip over his own feet and nearly suffer a heart attack really that much of a draw? What's next, Puddy learning how to navigate the balance beam? The Soup Nazi roping and riding? Of course, I did love Circus of the Stars when I was a kid, so maybe I'm a hypocrite. As I recall, Diedre Hall nearly got mauled by a tiger on that show. It might have been better for her if she had.

On another note, today is the longest day of the year. Let's hope it doesn't feel that way.

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