
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mishaps Galore

Remember when you were a kid and you used to run across your lawn and slide face first across the slip n' slide? Yeah, I just did that today, except with the Dominick's parking lot in the pouring rain instead of a slip n' slide. Oh, and with four bags of groceries. I don't think my Little Debbies are ever going to be the same. Har har.

This incident comes right on the heels of me locking myself in the library at work last night. After 5:30, when no one was there to hear my cries for help. I was banging on the doors, trying to pick the locks with a Bill of Rights bookmark, contemplating throwing a trash can through one of the windows. I was just about to pick out a quiet spot by the periodicals to curl up for the night when I realized that, duh, the library has a phone. The good news is that Guest Blogger Kathy seemed to get a real kick out of releasing me from my prison of pain. I live to entertain.

But the good news is that I made it out in time to get to the movie in the park last night, which is always fun. I think it's pretty neat to be able to enjoy something communally with thousands of strangers, even if they do frequently decide to stand up and wave to their friends right in the middle of your field of vision. ("No, I'm over here! By the trash can! See the trash can? No, not that trash can. See me waving? Geez!") Last night's movie was Annie Hall, which of course I've seen about a million times, but I always enjoy. In addition to reminding me of how cool Diane Keaton was and how always-sort-of-creepy-even-before-he-married-his-stepdaughter Woody Allen was, it got me thinking about all the amazing people who have come into (and somehow, sadly, back out of) my life. Luckily, I stubbed my toe on the way out, allowing my searing physical pain to distract from my crippling emotional pain. Life just works out sometimes, doesn't it?

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