
Monday, August 08, 2005

Department of Unemployment

I think I could definitely get used to not working. I didn't wake up until 9:30, and I spent easily an hour after that lying in bed watching TV and wondering A) why Jane Pauley still has a show and B) what's happened to her hair. Other items on the day's agenda included several vigorous checks of email, a couple of hours lying on my roof reading and wishing it weren't so hot, and an unnecessarily long shower. Oh, and I did some laundry. It was completely amazing.

Just so you don't think I'm completely lazy, though, I will let you know that I carried two 27-inch TVs up and down several flights of stairs today. You see, my ex-roommate called on Friday to let me know that he had sold the TV and TiVo (and that's the point in the conversation where I had the heart attack) , and when the tiny girl arrived today to pick them up, I just couldn't feel right about allowing their weight to crush her one vertebra at a time. So I carried them over to her place for her, an act of stupid kindness exceeded perhaps only by the time I helped an ex move immediately after our breakup. Then, after successfully coercing America's Laziest Best Buy Clerk (sample line: "yeah, someone can probably help you with that, I don't know") into selling me another TV, I got to heft more heavy objects through 90-degree heat. Only then did it occur to me: I'm rarely home to watch TV, anyway.

Speaking of which, I'm headed to Quincy tomorrow to visit my folks for a bit. Posting should continue; in fact, I'm even thinking of taking some pictures, because lethargy and boredom really are much more compelling when depicted visually.

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