
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Planning and the Lack Thereof

Here’s the thing: I’m not so great at not being busy. So while I secretly thrilled on the days this job kept me at the office until all hours of the night parsing rules of civil procedure and writing deeply felt paragraphs about federalism, I’m having a little bit of a hard time with the deleting old emails and returning unused office supplies phase of things. Yesterday I spent half of the afternoon combining file folders with other file folders, and so far today I have filled out some forms and listened to a couple of CDs. I know I should be thrilled to have a break, but I’m not. Especially since one of the CDs was Lindsay Lohan’s. Chalk that up to morbid curiosity.

So I’m really wondering how I’m going to fill my time in the month I’m taking off before I start my new job. Well, I do have some ideas; I’m making trips to Mexico and Quincy (both equally exciting, I’m sure), and I have a feeling that a certain amount of pissing away nights drinking with friends (how very Chumbawumba) will fit in there somewhere, but many of my days are as yet completely unaccounted for. I don’t want to spend them all just lying motionless on my couch watching Dawson’s Creek reruns and moaning "Why, Joey, why?" so I definitely need to come up with some plans. Maybe I should join the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program or something. That’s it; I should definitely put my boredom to rest by ruining a child.

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