
Sunday, September 04, 2005

Eye Robot

Spending the long weekend in Quincy with my folks. And the great, good news is that my parents waited to rent I, Robot until I was home. They know about my insatiable hunger for hastily-thrown-together Will Smith science fiction flicks; why don't you? I don't want to say too much about the movie, since I know you're all going to want to run out and rent it yourselves, but it did make me strongly suspect that Mr. Pinkett-Smith now has a stipulation in his contract that all the other actors hired for his movies must be worse than him. I'm not sure they were all really even English speakers, actually, although some of them did sound vaguely like Anna Nicole Smith (no relation, I assume). Ahh, the joys of family togetherness.

My sister and I also went to see Red Eye today, which was vaguely hilarious. I spent most of the movie wishing I could reach out and give Cillian Murphy a haircut, but it was genuinely suspenseful and only about five minutes long. Rachel McAdams is really good at looking pretty while crying, and Brian Cox, who plays her father in the movie, looks amusingly like James Lipton. Plus we snuck a whole bunch of candy into the movie, and a good sugar buzz always increases my enjoyment exponentially.

Oh, and we went out to the sticks so I could see our family farm today! Can you believe that we have a family farm? I can't! Apparently my mom just inherited it from some distant relative. But I think I'm going to plant me some sorghum this year. Or open a meth lab. No, just kidding, law enforcement officials. Cops totally love this site.

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