
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm With Stupid

Guess who spent his entire afternoon writing and rewriting the same paragraph. No, not David Foster Wallace, although that's a really good guess. It was me! Apparently, my gift for legal prose ran out along with my paychecks and health insurance, and I spent my afternoon staring blankly at my computer screen. I wonder if the head writer of Yes, Dear ever feels this way. Probably, but with more suicide attempts. At least he gets a little bit of cardiovascular exercise that way.

We're talking a day of extraordinary stupidity here. Around 5:30 I found that I was actually having a difficult time reading, and not because of blurred vision, but just a simple inability to make the letters form words. Earlier today I attended a meeting in the wrong conference room, all by myself. Oh, and I managed to seriously injure myself while trying to put on a nametag. It ended up saying "Hello, my name is blood stains." I'm not completely sure we're reached the "danger to himself" stage, but we can't be more than a few steps shy.

But other than that, all is well. I have the season premiere of Arrested Development DVRed and waiting for me at home, and hopefully a large bottle of red wine, as well. Nothing cures stupidity like alcohol, right?

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