
Friday, September 30, 2005

In Which I Triumphantly Overcome Obstacles Right and Left

I reached into my desk drawer this afternoon to grab a highlighter and apparently a box of push pins had spilled open in there; I ended up driving one under my fingernail. As this was not the sort of mistake one would typically hope to repeat, I guess I'll have to wear protective gloves and possibly a snappy protective vest when opening my drawer from now on. Oooh, and goggles. I should definitely have goggles.

Other than my potential loss of limb, though, I have to say the week has been a good one. I've been productive, a feat that is potentially linked to my increased dependence on caffeine. (The other day the Coke machine wouldn't take my dollar and I flew into a Hulk-like rage, nearly upsetting several languorous secretaries in the process.) I've eaten several especially delicious sandwiches, one of them on bread specially baked with a pretzel-like crust. And I'm almost caught up on my DVRs, with only an almost-certainly-disappointing episode of The OC still waiting for me. (Seriously, what was with Jimmy's bruise makeup last week? And since when does Julie call him James?)

All right, I'm putting some early Stevie Wonder on the stereo, grabbing a few cocktails, and heading out for the evening. I'll supply all the gory details later, I am sure.

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