
Friday, September 16, 2005

Pain is Love

I think I might be a little bit of a sadist. No, not the nipple clamps and jumper cables kind; I just mean that I tend to enjoy things that other people find painful. And I'm not just talking PBS and Gwyneth Paltrow, although I am totally looking forward to that five-part series on stamps. What I'm trying to say is that I've been working a lot this week, performing hours of arcane legal research and reviewing stacks of documents drafted by America's Most Boring Businessmen, and I'm absolutely loving it. I like leaving the office at nine and going straight out to meet my friends. I like eating a wilted salad with one hand while I type a curt email with the other. And, God help me, I like The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Did you know there's a new edition out? It's got all kinds of crazy fonts and everything.

I guess we'll have to see if all this lasts. Probably even the folks in Guantanamo thought it was kind of like camp at first. The cuteness may wear off. But that's the thing about honeymoons; they're all kinds of fun, but somebody always ends up getting fucked.

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