
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Personnel Changes

Our neighbors on the first floor are moving out this week! This is sad, because they were the neighbors that we actually liked. We had parties with them, where they tolerated my constant, irrational need for door prizes and Miller Light, and hung out with them on our roof deck, where we roasted my skin to its current, Colonel's Original recipe shade of brown. We were properly scandalized with them when our former second floor neighbors had loud sex in the hallway or dumped trash out the window or refused to make eye contact when passing us on the front steps. And once, just once, I came home very late at night and they welcomed me into their home for some life-giving drunk food, a beautifully-charred cheeseburger and some spicy potato salad that I will never forget. So goodbye, Emily, Libby, and Melissa, you will be missed!

Apparently their replacements are not destined to be a delight. I'm told they busted into the apartment to take a tour while everyone was sleeping, bringing their yapping toy poodle along for the ride. This was followed by a rather lengthy period of pointedly ignoring the now-roused current residents of the place while asking detailed questions about everything from the quality of the water to the size of the maintenance "staff." (I'm especially jazzed about this one, because prissy girls plus incompetent, non-English speaking man with a wrench equals fun.) A few vastly inappropriate slams to the decor later, they left as quickly as they had come. So obviously I'm so pumped to meet them myself.

And did I mention I was given the big shush by my second floor neighbors at 9:45 on a Thursday? After no more than 30 seconds of noise? This is going to be the best year ever.

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