
Monday, September 12, 2005


-- Time Management. Now that my job keeps me really busy, I have an excuse to carry on conversations while walking down the hallway at top speed, West Wing style. And yesterday I returned text messages from atop the elliptical machine at my gym. Basically I'm an industrial accident waiting to happen.

-- Technological Savvy. Is it wrong that I'm choosing my new palmtop computer based on the cuteness factor alone? The thing is, my toaster is looking to hook up. Pun SO intended.

-- Season Premiere Season, When TV's Brightest Stars Come Out to Shine. Is it just me, or did things get underway intensely early this year? I mean, America is just coming down from the high of "I Want to Be a Hilton." Shouldn't we get some time to relax and clean up the trails of projectile vomit?

-- The Exorcism of Emily Rose. This movie made $30 million this past weekend. So while I may not concede the presence of mysterious forces of evil in this world, I must concede the presence of mysterious forces of bad taste.

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