Saturday, October 08, 2005
About Last Night...
Last night was supposed to be a nice, quiet evening with friends. We were going to have some dinner, play some Boggle, maybe pop in a copy of Hitch. All very much in keeping with good old fashioned middle American values.
See, don't we look respectable? The kind of people you would want to mind the cash box at the school bake sale or serve as chairpeople for your lupus walkathon. Okay, so the aviators are a little ridiculous, but at this point they're pretty much surgically attached to my face.
Last night was supposed to be a nice, quiet evening with friends. We were going to have some dinner, play some Boggle, maybe pop in a copy of Hitch. All very much in keeping with good old fashioned middle American values.

But thanks to a leftover bottle of coconut rum, my digital camera, and some classic Destiny's Child, things soon got a little bit bootylicious. The good news is that I have been asked to join the Alvin Ailey Dance Company.
Soon there were costumes and props involved. And no, it's not at all sad that I have a box of these things in my room despite being 27 and male.
This is our mock-up of the church camp we're going to start. Here, Roommate Liz reenacts the sermon on the mount using a cast of thousands, including Earl the Unicorn. We're going to help a lot of kids.