
Friday, October 07, 2005

Things That Come Up When You Google My Name

Terrible haiku I wrote for a class in college.

An introduction to my haiku portfolio that includes the following sentence: "Think of this portfolio as only partially an end, and largely a means to an end that may come decades down the road, or even not at all."

Pictures from my "fat phase" with a caption suggesting that I am "recalling my days in choir."

Stuff that's actually about my dad, unless I am a middle-aged communications professor and don't know about it.

A whole series of movie reviews I wrote for my college newspaper, including hott takes on "Urban Legend" and the Melissa Joan Hart vehicle "Drive Me Crazy."

My compelling literary analysis of Whitman, Hawthorne, and Eliot, among others.


The following statement from an editorial I wrote "We have set forth the possibility now of being the first generation to watch our lives on the Home Shopping Network rather than live them. Let's shoot for something more."

The Quincy High School Alumni Newsletter!!!!!!

I am not making this up, a site that purports to have nude pictures of deceased author John dos Passos.

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