Sunday, October 16, 2005
Just completed my whirlwind tour to my college reunion this weekend. For those of you who've never been to Decatur, Illinois, let me just say that you have wasted your lives. They have a 24-hour porn store (for those porn emergencies that always seem to arise) and several restaurants devoted to serving potatoes that have been covered in various things. Plus you get to see what a collapsed economy looks like from the inside! And did I mention my hotel had free cookies? Get a move on, people.

Because it's a reunion, you have to take a lot of carefully posed pictures with old friends. This is my friend Jacob, who once sang religious music in exchange for shots with me at a truly frightening 4 AM bar in NYC. Now he's a manager at a company that makes truck suspensions.
This is my favorite bar (of two) on our campus. Doesn't it look like the place where the murder would happen? You can't find dank like that in Chicago, I'll tell you that.
More posing! This is my friend Marybeth, one of the first people I met in college. We had music theory together with Rosemary Williams, who played the French Horn and looked a little bit like Geena Davis, at least back when Geena Davis still looked like Geena Davis. Marybeth and I sat in the back row, because we were rebels.
My Sister Meg, left, is also a Millkin alum. Do you like how we don't look at all alike? No, our mother was not promiscuous, thank you. At right is our friend Sarah, who used to break into my apartment to watch television (including most memorably the film version of Guys and Dolls) despite having a perfectly serviceable set of her own next door.
Suddenly I feel like I need to develop a seedier past.