
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Missing Inaction

Perhaps you've noticed that posting has been spotty this week. I'd like to tell you that this is because I've been doing either wonderfully meaningful or shamefully scandalous things, but the truth of the matter is that I've pretty much been pissing the time away as usual. We have a brief going out this week, so since this place would obviously fall apart without me, I've been putting in extra hours doing incredibly vital proofreading and case printing and coffee fetching. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm made partner by the end of the week. I also expect to be named Prime Minister of Canada and America's Next Top Model.

Don't worry, though, I did still catch LOST this week. All I can say is that I'm kind of hoping we can put a moratorium on killing characters for a while. Otherwise we'll just be left with Jack and Kate sparring cutely while Sun picks berries. Which, don't get me wrong, I would totally watch, but it might not make the best lead-in for Invasion.

Oh, and I saw The Merchant of Venice at Chicago Shakespeare. The acting was amazing (although I'm still lobbying for Ashton Kutcher as Shylock) and the whole production was really well done, but boy oh boy is that a tough show to produce in 2005. Vitriolic anti-semitism just doesn't play the way it used to, you know?

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