
Saturday, December 03, 2005

Celebrity Living

Busy night last night. Stopped by my office happy hour -- your home for awkward small talk and impossibly strong drinks -- for a little while and consumed enough Red Bull to forestall the effect of the week's work for a few more hours. Then I went to a Hanukkah party, where I found out I am amazing at dreidel games but don't so much like Boone's Farm Blue Hawaii any more. There were a number of amusing incidents involved, including 1) some random guy believing for some reason that two of my friends worked for a local radio station and trying to score Creed's latest off of them and 2) my other friend deciding to randomly text strangers the phrase "I miss you." This was followed by a little bit of theatre, as my writing teacher, who has great hair and makes amusing sound effects when you are least expecting it, was doing a sketch show. There were disembodied Ashcroft heads involved, so it really had me at hello.

Today I've just kind of been puttering. We had five or six bags of trash piled up in our back hallway, so I thought it would be good to take those down to the dumpster before protective services decided to take away children we don't have. Also, a mysterious honey spill in our kitchen cabinets required some attending to. I'm not sure how it happened, but rest assured that I've got investigators sweeping the Hundred Acre Wood. Oh, and I even tossed out our old shower curtain. When it says hello to you when you walk into the bathroom, you know it's time for it to go.

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