
Monday, December 05, 2005

Free Fiona

So Friend Amy got us tickets to the Fiona Apple concert last night. I have to admit that, though I'm a fan of her music (Fiona's, not Amy's, although word on the street is she's putting out a devotional CD next Spring) and nearly drove my '95 Neon into a parking gate while grooving to "Criminal" my sophomore year of college, I was primarily hoping to see some sort of emotional outburst. I wanted a vegan-themed rant or at the very least a quick "this world is shit." On this ground I was sadly disappointed. Although she did admit that she sometimes gets angry and kicks things (and, come on, my mom does that, people), it turns out that Fiona Apple is really nice! And tiny. She's like two foot one, tops.

Fiona thanked everyone for standing out in the cold to get into the concert, although she didn't mention the rather comprehensive searches we had to endure. (And who brings a weapon to a Fiona Apple concert? Unless it's maybe an ex.) She also apologized for giving the evil eye to certain audience members, clarifying that she was just getting into the song and not placing any hexes for ill-timed singing along. (I would, for the record, approve.) And she actually giggled at several points! Maybe the sullenness was just a product of dating Paul Thomas Anderson; imagine living years of your life with drafts of Magnolia constantly coming at you in the middle of Friends.

But despite the lack of drama, I have to say it was a pretty great concert. Girl can really sing, and she did a bunch of my favorites, including, as the second encore, the MTVrific "Criminal." If I'd had a '95 Neon, I'm pretty sure the first few rows would have been toast.

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