
Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Since I know you're all worried, I'll let you know that my dad and I finished the puzzle. It had a picture of penguins on it. This may well be the greatest accomplishment of all my 27 years.

I've also been eating the remainder of the hog carcass my grandmother served on Christmas for the past several days. Because nothing says "hooray for the birth of our savior" like choking down a fist-sized chunk of swine. Why don't people ever celebrate holidays with Arby's? I blame that damned oven mitt.

Santa finally figured me out and brought cash money this year. Don't get me wrong, all the reindeer sweaters were nice, and they did prevent me from getting in with a "rough crowd" all through high school, but I feel fairly certain that, even if money can buy happiness, it can't be found at T.J. Maxx. This year I'm thinking I'll try to drink my Christmas.

The drive back was uneventful. I made my inaugural attempt at listening to an "audio book." The book itself was great, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that it's boring to listen to someone talk for six hours straight. Unless that someone is me, in which case it's the greatest experience of anyone's life. I mean, just imagine hearing all these thrilling anecdotes about office supplies and gym etiquette live and in person!

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