
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Out of Office Message

Made the trip across the state to Quincy yesterday. This meant, first off, that I had to dig my car out of the glacier in which it was embedded, a task I had avoided for two weeks. I admittedly did such a shoddy job of this that large chunks of ice were flying off the hood and striking fellow travelers in their bug shields through a good portion of central Illinois, but it was exhausting nonetheless. I contemplated collapsing in the street To-Build-A-Fire style, but decided a week at home would have much the same effect.

I guess a lot's happened since I last posted, but much of it is not that interesting. I saw King Kong with my sister -- it featured the best acting I've seen from a gorilla since Burt Reynolds in Evening Shade -- and took her on an abortive shopping trip, since Old Navy on a December Sunday gives me flashbacks to wars I wasn't even in. I worked a couple of solid days, perhaps most notable for the dinner buffet's disasterous attempt at veal and my even more disastrous presentation of my secretary's Christmas gift (a very thoughtful check -- it took be forever to pick out). And then, well, I came here. Pretty exciting, no?

I'll try to check in occasionally this week, but you know how all-encompassing Family Fun can be.

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