
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Glasses Day

Went to The Green Mill with some friends last night. Although it is located farther north that I generally consider to be part of the city at all, I love The Green Mill for a number of reasons. First of all, they've got such great jazz that they can straightfacedly charge a $7 cover on a Wednesday night and never even bother to clean their bathrooms. They're real sticklers about the music, too -- they've got a huge guy with a handlebar moustache in all leather who threatens to cause you harm if you talk during the performance. Secondly, they've got cheap alcohol, to the point that they actually have both Schlitz and Pabst Blue Ribbon on tap, and refuse to apologize for it. It's the kind of place that probably offers generic brand gin. And then there's the atmosphere -- they claim that gangsters used to frequent the place in the '20s and '30s, and it doesn't really look like it's changed much since then. It's enough to make you feel like seriously evading your taxes.

It was a nice night, and kept me out much later than I generally intend on a school night, making today a full-on Glasses Day at work. (On a side note, I have definitely, definitely attended work at least one day this year wearing the same clothes as the day before, but with an added layer of smoke smell -- anyone who can identify that day wins what will undoubtedly be an exceedingly disappointing prize.) We played an incredibly juvenile game where we inserted the word "Vagina" into the titles of movies, and made inappropriate jokes about Baby Jessica. (Inappropriate mainly because they're so dated, not because there's anything wrong with mocking an injured child.) We made up interesting but assuredly untrue life stories for various people we spotted across the bar. And there were cheese fries involved, which for me is very close to nirvana.

There need to be more Glasses Days.

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