
Tuesday, February 21, 2006


So I bought a condo today.

I hadn't really planned on moving so quickly, but when I saw this place, I just kind of knew that it was right. It was fate, like when Star Jones met Al Reynolds or Jennifer Lopez met any of her 17.5 husbands. And just as in most healthy relationships, money exchanged hands. I wrote the first in what will be a horrifyingly long series of the biggest checks I've ever written. Generally, amounts this large come on huge cardboard checks being handed out by Bob Barker. But I felt okay about it. Well, aside from the nausea.

There was also some bidding involved, which went predictably poorly for me. I'm only the World's Greatest Liar when it comes to unimportant topics like why I came home so late last night or whether you look good in that shirt. But ask me to pretend to be non-committal about a condo that, honest to God, has the most beautiful countertops I have ever seen (museum quality, if they had museums of granite) and a heated floor in the master bathroom, and I fall to pieces. I'm lucky they didn't charge me double.

But it all worked out well, at least so far. Come April, I'll be living the life with a huge storage space and a double oven I will never, ever use. Ah, the glitz, the glamour.

It's kind of weird to be a landowner. I think I'm going to plant some sorghum, maybe hire some sharecroppers. Then I'll just sit back and wait to be invited to a cotillion of some sort.

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