
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Love and Death

I think I'm becoming one of those annoying people who constantly talks about real estate. I got more listings yesterday and I keep finding myself randomly telling people about the steam showers and subzeros I have known. If they're looking or already own, they immediately get into their own zone and fire back with something about mortgage points or comparables, but since a lot of my friends are 22 or live with their parents or both, I'm getting a lot of blank stares. Blank stares that communicate a desire to kill.

Speaking of which, our Vice President shot someone. Isn't that kind of weird? I mean, Al Gore was boring, but at least he didn't have a body count. And I'm not really sure I understand where the challenge is in quail hunting. I kind of feel like I could take a quail with my bare hands.

Speaking of which, this Valentine's Day I got the gift of porn. Who says that romance is dead?

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