
Friday, February 24, 2006

On the Love of Sport

Is it wrong that I kept pausing the Olympics last night to watch the ice skaters fall in slow motion? It's just so much more comic when it's slow, and you can pinpoint the exact moment when they register the destruction of all their hopes and dreams. Of course, the crying afterwards has to be watched in real time, or it just looks absurd. Thank God for technology.

With all the falling that went on, I'm guessing The Kwan really wishes she'd stayed in the mix. Two falls and a silver medal? The Kwan falls that many times on her way to get breakfast in the morning. I also like to imagine that she sleeps in the little gold Vera Wang dress. And brushes her teeth with a fine diamond-based cream.

It's actually pretty hard for me to believe the Olympics are ending, probably since I've barely noticed their existence this time around. It seems like just yesterday that Katie Couric was standing out in the palazzo in Tornio (can we go back to calling it Turin now?) being shat on by a legion of pigeons in anticipation of the pomp and pageantry of Olympic competition. But before I could watch even a single curling match (are they matches? games? smackdowns?), it's all over, except for the Wheaties boxes and uncomfortable Leno appearances.

At least AAO got a medal.

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