
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Another Op'nin, Another Show

So a sketch show I helped write is opening this Friday. I'm not in it or anything, so you shouldn't come out hoping to catch a furtive glimpse of my bare backside (although I have written twelve nude scenes into it, as is my policy), but I think it will actually be pretty good. It has a Baby Jessica sketch in it, which is always timely, and a whole lot of jokes about Our Lord and Savior. Plus I think one of the actors once modeled for SEARS. And not the appliance department; we're talking ladies' fashions here. So come see the softer side!

The process of getting there has at times been horrible. Writing by committee isn't my favorite thing in the world, and I find it difficult to take people seriously as humorists when they cite their influences as Jennifer Lopez and Urkel. I can recall a night when I spent half an hour trying to convince someone that child murder was probably not the most fertile comic territory. But eventually, we pulled it all together, and got down to the important business of mocking yuppies and writing songs that rhyme "Aiken" with "gay kin."

I realize that being invited so someone's student sketch show is about as exciting as being invited to someone's hysterectomy, but if you're in Chicago and you're interested, drop me a line and I can give you the details...

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