
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Exotic Destinations

I am going to Connecticut for work next Friday. I'd always kind of hoped to be sent somewhere really cool, like Vegas or space, but apparently there aren't any medical device suppliers in those places, so it's Connecticut for me. It's my first big trip for work, and I'm kind of excited -- do you think they'll reimburse me for crack and hookers if I bring a receipt?

No, I'm actually going to be there for less than twelve hours. And I have to take a 6:30 AM flight out of O'Hare. I don't care what your religious beliefs are; I guarantee you there is no God at 6:30 AM at O'Hare International Airport. Although there is a Cinnabon.

What do you do in Connecticut when you're only there for 12 hours? Is there a Museum of WASPishness or something? Should I stop by the White Pants Store?

Send me your suggestions and you could win a prize! I mean, technically anything COULD happen.

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