
Thursday, March 16, 2006


In case you're wondering, I ended up pitching a plot line where Jake cons Charlie into signing a permission slip that Alan had already refused to sign, leading to a hilarious dispute about parenting styles and an equally gut busting role reversal, in which Charlie became the "disciplinarian" and Alan the "free spirit." I'm thinking next I should tackle a "Courting Alex" or maybe move into the exciting world of tampon commercials. That's where you really hear your prose sing!

And have I mentioned that I finally saw Good Night, and Good Luck? It was really good, in a making-you-feel-ashamed-of-yourself kind of way. Mainly I just wanted to get glasses like George Clooney's. Oh, and start chain smoking like pretty much everybody in the movie. People were so cool back in the black and white days!

On a completely unrelated note, since transitions are totally overrated, I am a terrible Catholic. I had a roast beef sandwich for lunch on Ash Wednesday, and it was completely premeditated. I guess I just kind of figured that it's tough to worship a God who will condemn people for liking Arby's. Although if he wanted to smite that oven mitt guy, that'd be fine with me.

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