
Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Had the closing on my condo purchase today. This was fun for several reasons. First, I got to take a good portion of the day off of work, although this meant a similarly-sized portion of the evening was spent at work. It felt like opposite day. Then, I got to carry around an exceedingly large check for twelve hours. (When I say large, I mean large in amount, not large in physical size. Although that would have been a lot more fun, now that I think about it. That's why I always wanted to be on The Price is Right. Also because of the skinny microphone.) Plus, everyone kept congratulating me, as though I had discovered some new element or written a wonderfully catchy pop song rather than simply dumping a ton of money on something that will essentially benefit only me. I think people should congratulate me every time I buy something. It would make Walgreen's such a treat!

Oh, and I got to go to Oak Brook for the closing, since the seller's attorney was from the suburbs. Road Trip! I wish I'd had time to look up tourist information on Oak Brook. As it was, I pretty much only saw the tollway and the title company. They were both fairly breathtaking, though.

So I guess it's official that I am part of the landed gentry. Of course, until my next payday I'm going to have to panhandle friends just to keep myself in groceries. Who wants to buy me a box of Ho Hos?

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