Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Poverty Sucks
For the second year in a row, I have attended a Cubs game on a day so cold that even the slutty teenagers from the suburbs are forsaking tube tops and cutoffs for snowsuits and earmuffs. It was a great game, but I seriously feared I might leave without the use of some limb of which I am rather fond. It was actually so cold that I didn't even feel like drinking. Now that's cold.
But the highlight of the night was when Roommate Liz got mistaken for a homeless person in our neighborhood liquor store and accordingly followed all over the shop. I believe this image will explain why:
I mean, sure, the purposefully insane glare is probably overkill, but the multiple unmatched layers really make a statement. And the firmly clenched paper bag with a wine bottle fully completes the ensemble.
Now remember, I live with this person.
For the second year in a row, I have attended a Cubs game on a day so cold that even the slutty teenagers from the suburbs are forsaking tube tops and cutoffs for snowsuits and earmuffs. It was a great game, but I seriously feared I might leave without the use of some limb of which I am rather fond. It was actually so cold that I didn't even feel like drinking. Now that's cold.
But the highlight of the night was when Roommate Liz got mistaken for a homeless person in our neighborhood liquor store and accordingly followed all over the shop. I believe this image will explain why:

Now remember, I live with this person.