
Friday, May 26, 2006

Face Time

Did anyone see that thing on TV last night about the woman who had the face transplant? No, I'm not talking about Faye Dunaway at Cannes, although that's a good guess. This woman is French and had to wear a surgical mask all Michael-Jackson-style before she had her surgery, because essentially her face was peeling off. I sort of understand what she was going through, because of that time I mixed my dermatological projects inappropriately and ended up giving myself a low-cost chemical peel. I felt like the Phantom of the Opera, except I didn't drop a chandelier on anyone or sing a bombastic ballad while rowing a gondola.

Anyway, I'm no fan of surgical stuff on TV, mainly because I so seldom need to induce vomiting. I figure that's one of the reasons they knock you out when they do surgery, because no one wants to actually see that stuff. That's why I was so happy when TLC began transitioning out of showing operations all the time into doing controversial things to strangers' homes. Having a designer staple bamboo to your bedroom wall may be ugly, but at least there are no bodily fluids involved.

But this face thing was pretty cool. They actually like sawed half of one person's face off and sewed it on to someone else. I ended up leaving before the show was over, but I have a good feeling that everything turned out okay. I mean, it's not like the body is going to reject the new face, right? Unless it's Hilary Swank's.

And I fully admit I have no idea why I'm bringing this up. It's a Friday before a long weekend, okay?

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