
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Next to Godliness

I have recently hired a cleaning lady. I find this weird for a number of reasons. First of all, I don't think I'm old or competent enough to have anyone in my employ, much less a little Polish lady in her fifties. I feel like she should be paying me nickels to mow her lawn in classic adorable child labor style. Secondly, I hate admitting I can't do it myself, although a few minutes on my hands and knees attacking the bathroom corners with a toothbrush certainly convinced me that was the case. Finally, it's kind of odd to me that there's someone in my house each week while I'm not there. Do you think she tries on my clothes? Maybe gets naked and rolls around in my bed? Not that that's what I'd do if I were a cleaning person.

But I have to admit it's also completely wonderful. She's so incredibly thorough that the first time she came she even cleaned the twisted fragments of the chair our old landlord took a hatchet to upon our parting of ways. And she goes through a half bottle of Windex every time she visits. (Hopefully she's not huffing it or something. Can you huff Windex?) She does like to rearrange the objects on my various tables in such a way as to confuse and confound me, but there are certainly worse things she could do. Like steal from me, for instance. And so far so good on that front.

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