
Friday, July 21, 2006

Office Space

I have been working pretty much around the clock lately. This is not as hilarious as you might think. For one thing, I've noticed that my chair becomes rather damp and uncomfortable after hours of sitting. Also, I may have to get one of those dorky monitor shades to prevent eyestrain. (Or maybe I should just change my contacts; it has been like seven years.) I am wholly out of post-its and little plastic tape flags, which is quite frankly an unacceptable state of affairs. Oh, and I haven't seen the outside world during daylight hours since Sunday. There's that.

For someone who is accustomed to working four-day weeks and spending hours on his roof treating his skin like bacon during the summer months, this is an odd state of affairs.

Last night I think I sort of started to lose my mind. I was working on approximately the ten thousandth revision of a brief I have to file and suddenly the words started dancing around on the page and I couldn't read any more. Then I thought I heard someone calling my name, but the entire floor was empty, except for the word processing department (for some reason we have one), and they never leave their cave. This was when I decided I was probably entitled to a Snickers break. Hallucination equals candy.

I don't really want to overstate the importance of all this, but I think it's pretty fair to say that the Guantanamo detainees have got nothing on me.

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