
Thursday, September 07, 2006

And I Have Great "People Skills," Too

It's evaluation time at my office, and I couldn't be more excited. What a wonderful opportunity to have people who barely know me pass judgment on my intelligence and ability! I'm thinking about asking that partner who still calls me "Phil" be my primary reviewer; he may not have any idea who I actually am, but at least he's friendly! I bet he'd say I have "gumption" or "get up and go." Which, to be fair, I definitely do.

I always love the categories they come up with to evaluate you. Whether, for instance, you are a team player. That team spirit really comes in handy when I'm sitting in my office all by myself for ten hours a day drafting briefs. Or whether you show leadership potential. Yup, that's definitely what you want assigned to do legal research for you, a leader. Because you never know when Westlaw might form a militia.

Right now I'm just at the stage of filling in descriptions for the work I did this year. I think it's probably a bad sign when it takes several hours just to summarize your work. I'm trying to jazz it up though with some picturesque speech. "Reviewed documents like a motherfucka" just reads so much better.

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