Saturday, September 23, 2006
And While We're At It, Where's Waldo?
For the past several weeks, Roommate Liz and I have had a little game going on. For really no reason at all, we have taken to hiding the bag of Hormel Pork Cracklings that was inexplicably in our kitchen cabinet in various locations around the house.
Here, the cracklings do a little bit of laundry. I'm not totally sure, but I think those are the cracklings' unmentionables.
For the past several weeks, Roommate Liz and I have had a little game going on. For really no reason at all, we have taken to hiding the bag of Hormel Pork Cracklings that was inexplicably in our kitchen cabinet in various locations around the house.

The cracklings bundle up for the cold in my jacket and child-sized Snoopy cap. With that kind of sensible planning around the house, we're sure to have a delightful winter.
What to wear this evening? For something different, why not glue cracklings all over your body?
The cracklings are sort of fanatical about cleanliness. Here, they ready for their shower.
The good news is we're not really hurting anyone but ourselves this time around.