Sunday, September 17, 2006
This is How Learning Looks
As promised, our day at the museum was amply documented with photos. Trust me, the guides really, really love it when you constantly ask them to take pictures.
Roommate Liz dramatizes the age old battle between man and machine. My money's actually on the machine in this one.
As promised, our day at the museum was amply documented with photos. Trust me, the guides really, really love it when you constantly ask them to take pictures.

We also apparently decided to retake Liz's senior yearbook photos inside the giant heart. All we need is a big foam "96" to complete the look.
Roommate Liz spots a whale off the starboard bow. Avast, ye mateys.
I attempt to foster cultural understanding by "doing the robot" with some robots.
Due to some bizarre administrative slip up, I have actually been named captain of this submarine. Our first mission? The Arby's drive through.