
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wait Until Dark

Last night I was over at my friends' house when they blew a fuse. Apparently, in some older buildings you can't watch TV, make toast, run the blender, and create lovely peace sign coasters from a craft kit with an iron all at the same time. This put a horrible cramp in our plans of casting a voodoo hex on Jeffrey from Project Runway, but it did create some interesting fun. For within half an hour we had convinced ourselves that a mass murderer had purposefully cut the power lines and was sneaking up the back stairs to kill us at that very moment. We snuck around the outside of the building holding a variety of knickknacks as weapons, but of course there was no one there. I almost felt silly standing there brandishing that Precious Moments figurine.

This is not the first time I have been involved in a freakish overreaction of this sort. In addition to the time my mother and I tried to club a nonexistent intruder over the head with a Badge-A-Minute button maker, I have also been involved in any number of near macings and panic button overusages. I also frequently run the ten yards between my parking spot and front door for fear of being mugged. What can I say? I'm a safety first kind of guy.

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